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    Communication between home and school is very important. 

    Harrisfield Public School will be communicating with families using School Messenger and the Harrisfield Public School Facebook page.

    A monthly newsletter will be sent to families by School Messenger.  Please ensure you have a valid email address with the office. 


    It is the parents/guardians responsibility to report your child's attendance daily! If your child will be LATE or ABSENT please remember to report this using the School Messenger reporting system BEFORE 9:15 AM. If your child will be leaving early, parents/guardians have a responsibility to report this using the School Messenger reporting system BEFORE 1:30 PM.

    Please help limit classroom interruptions during instructional time. 


    Harrisfield Home and School Association & School Council 

    All meetings will take place on the 1st Monday of each month, in person (library) and online (zoom). School Council at 6PM and Home and School at 7 PM. Please email harrisfieldhsa@gmail.com to request the link to join the monthly teams meetings. 


    January 13th, 2025

    March 3rd, 2025

    May 5th, 2025

    June 2nd, 2025


    Harrisfield Volunteer's:

    If you're interested in volunteering at Harrisfield as a volunteer a police check is required. All police checks are completed online on the OPP website, only these police checks will be accepted. Third party checks will be declined. If you require a police check, contact your child's teacher and ask for a Harrisfield letter. There is NO fee for a police check! 

    TVDSB Parent Portal:

    Parents/guardians with a valid email address will have access to their child's attendance, report cards, student IEPs, Student Information and Contacts. Please ensure you keep this information current.

    NOTE * your child's Student ID number is also located in the parent portal. You will need this number to access different school links. 


    School Cash Online:

    School Cash Online is an easy to use and safe way to pay for your children’s school fees. Now, with a few clicks, you can pay for your child’s class trips, spirit wear, (school) fundraiser and so much more from your own home. All you have to do is register an account, attach your children and in no time you will be able to make payments online. We accept many different payment forms so come in and check us out!


    Student Transportation:

    Student transportation will keep those who qualify for transportation up to date with busing information. * You will need your child's student ID number to access this information. Families can also download the Bus Planner Delays App using the access code MBYB and bus run number (located in the STS Portal) to have notifications sent directly to their device.



    Parents/guardians are to report student absence/lates/early dismissal using the School Messenger Safe Arrival system.


    1. Accessing School Messenger Online
    Navigate to https://go.schoolmessenger.ca/#/account/login, click Sign Up and following the instructions to set up your account. Within minutes, you will receive an email with a link to complete the Sign Up Process.

    2. Accessing School Messenger Using the Smart phone App
    After setting up an account   https://go.schoolmessenger.ca/#/account/login , download the School Messenger App through the Apple iTunes Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/schoolmessenger-infocenter/id978894818 or Google Play Store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.schoolmessenger.recipient and log in using the credentials used after validating your account online.

    3. Access School Messenger by Phone
    Parents/Guardians who do not have access to a computer can access the system by calling 1-844-305-3756 (toll free) to report absences.

    Student safety is a priority and if a student is absent/late and a parent/guardian does not report it through School Messenger, automated communications will be sent to the parent/guardians in the
    following sequence (text/email then phone call) until a response is received from the parent/guardian.





    What's happening at Harrisfield:

    January Dates:

    January 6th, 2025! Back to School!!!

    January 6th - School Council Meeting @ 6:30 PM, Home and School meeting @ 7PM

    January 13-31st - Kindergarten September 2025 Registration 

    January 17th - PA Day

    January 21st - Equity: Inclusive Spaces presentation Gr. 4-6


    Food Days:

    Food Days are on Friday's unless there is a PA Day

    Friday, January 10th, 24th, 31st and Thursday, January 16th 

    Popcorn Days:

    Wednesday, January 15th & 29th

    Wednesday, February 12th 

    HHSA is looking for parent/community volunteers to help with food days, fundraiser's and other events! If you're able to help for any amount of time, email harrisfieldhsa@gmail.com 


    Kindergarten Registration

    NEW Kindergarten Registration for September 2025 will begin on January 13th, 2025 – January 31st, 2025.

    Registration will take place ONLINE at www.tvdsb.ca

    Click the “Schools” tab

    Click “Register for School”

    Click the + on the Kindergarten Information drop down

    Scroll down, click “Complete the new Online Pre-Registration”

    You will need to create an account if this is your first time registering with the new online process.

    Your child must turn four years old by December 31st to be eligible for junior kindergarten. To be eligible for senior kindergarten, your child must be five years old by December 31st. To register for grade 1, your child must be six years of age by December 31st.